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Ronald McDojo will enlighten you with nonsense.: 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005

Sunday, February 27, 2005

One more chance....

Ok, I'm giving her one more chance. Upon reviewing my adult life, I realize that I may be reacting a bit "over the top". If I was a young man, the job would have already been done. I guess things change. I believe in karma. So this weekend, you know something happened to my car. I was threatening to go slash that bitch's tires and someone egged my car. NO lie. We had one egg on our car hood. Isn't it weird how that works out. Dammit, I didn't go slash her shit. Is this a sign that I should have? My wifey says she saw some kids walk by our house and it looked like they were checking out their handiwork. I'm just gonna' chill for now.

However, mark my words...This bitch doesn't stop and she will hurt someone or even worse. Her driving is driving me nuts. That is a short road, all downhill.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Tire slashin' time. The bitch will pay!!!!

So there is this bitch that drives by my house super fast. She drives a white little car/truck. I hate her. She is a total bitch and thinks that everyone should get out of her way. She flies in the school driveway and in and out of alleys. I have seen her horific driving for over a year now.

Guess what? It's time for her to pay. Before this weekend is up, I'm going to slash her tires. Today was the squaw that stroked the camel's sack. I'm tring to get out of the school parking lot. A truck goes and then it's my turn. This bitch thinks that is incorrect and she should be able to go right after the truck. You know, she doesn't like to take turns. Why? Because she's a fucking bitch. If she was a man, I would have drug her out of her car and beat her to a pulp.

So, no fate but what you make. When this whore gets up and sees that every tire on her ride is slashed, maybe that will slow her down. I'm thinking of making a sign and taping it to her windshield. It's gonna' say. Slow down bitch, or next time it's your throat.

(Yes, when I'm pissed and irate, I can be quite unstable. Where's my meds?)

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

A must see for the 90's or 80's child.

This movie is great. I don't like many movies. I'm very particular about what I like and don't when it comes to cinema. I didn't really like this movie the first time I watched it. Thought it was a bit dull and slow moving. Upon viewing this the second, third,fourth, and so on, I have grown to love it. Who can't identify with the misery that is being a teen and trying to fit in? I wasn't a dork in school, however, I have had many feelings of wanting to be accepted. I'm sure we all have. If you have not seen this, go rent it tonight. If you don't get it, or think it's not that funny the first time, watch it again. I assure you, that you WILL laugh once. No doubt about that.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Workin' at the carwash!!!!

I watched Carwash the movie today a great old classic show. The music is great too. That shit is funny. My favorite women are from the 70's. I think that females had the best style and clothing in the 70's. Low rider jeans and long, long hair. They also used little to no make up. I love me some 70's girls!!

Dammit, I don't want to age. I was born in 1974. Hear me????? 1974. Sounds so dam old. What am I going to do when I have to explain to my kids I was born in the last century! Time has flown by so rapidly since I have been a married with children man. Of course, I don't remember much of my life before that. Funny how hazy my memory is.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

2004 hands of poker.

So I was trying to qualify for a tourny last week. To qualify you had to play 2004 hands of poker in the month of Feb. Well as the month is half over, I had to play a lot of hands in a short amount of time. I used all the money that I have won from a free games to play the live money games.

Have you ever tried to play 2004 hands of poker with only $200. Well here is my story...The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.

I finally qualified after sitting at my computer for 4 days. At least 10 hours a day. In the end, I lost $170. Don't get me wrong, I was up and down a lot. I won some good sized pots, however, I lost even bigger ones. All the money was free from winning previous tournies, so it's not like I spent my hard earned dough.

So not this Friday, but next, I play for $10,000. Boy I would love to win that!! I know most of my readers are crazy rich, so ten grand wouldn't mean a lot to them. It would make my life easier for a year at least. Not to mention I could buy a motorcycle. So anyway, after the game, I'll post on here how I did. I'm sure it will be some sob ass story about how I was winning and some asshole called me with junk cards and gets lucky. It always is.

Wish me luck!

Monday, February 14, 2005

White people can dance. Or is it dancing?

So today my son had a party at his school. It was there that I have noticed a trend in people dancing. White people are good dancers if the dance is prearranged.

For example, the "Chicken dance". The good folks at the school did this dance for me. Now me not being from OHIO, and not seeing this dance before, I was in awe. What a great dance! I could even do this one. I would look like a total asshole and a complete idiot, but, I think I could keep up.

Then I was thinking about how country line dancing is popular amongst white folk. Again, when the dance is prearranged, us Caucasian people can get down. It's even better when the people are so old they can barely move. Then the line dancing is a exercise in just keeping up with those youngsters!

I know your thinking I'm being prejudice and stereotypical. Well your right. I have spent years, yes YEARS, watching people dance. Guess what...95% of white people have no rhythm and just look funny. I am white so, if I'm doggin' my own race then, so be it.

My question is. If it's prearranged moves....Is it still dancing?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

My arm hurts. I'm falling apart.

Curse this sick and twisted devil I have become. Dam him! I life of drug abuse and fighting is starting to take it's toll. There is rarely a part of my body that doesn't hurt. I sure hope I don't become dependent on pain killers and ibuprofen. Some days are not so bad. Today isn't one of them. I am thankful I still get to do the things I do. It could be a whole lot worse. Like the time I had to crawl into my house due to a severed ACL. Now that was bad. I was in a wheelchair for over a month. I got to experience what It would be like from that perspective. Let me tell you, I am thankful for my legs. I look like Dan Marino while I'm running, however, I can still walk on my own. I just know I'm gonna' end up like my old JUDO teacher. Duct taping my hips together just so I can teach a class. Let's hope not.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Playstation blues.....

I'm pissed. My game that I rented from Hollywood Video is not working. Dam, hell, crap, more foul words, etc. I have waited forever for this game to be in. People have had it forever. I think the only way I will get to play this game is by purchasing it. Hollywood video is a sham anyway. Every time we go there it's nothing but a hassle. You can't blame the employees either. They have to pay min. wage, or just over. It's hard to expect someone to care for $5.25 a hour. Even McDonald's pays around $7.00 per hour. I heard Subway pays up to $9.00 per hour. I may just have to take up being a "sandwich artist". I would be the opposite of Jared though. I would for sure be even fatter if I worked at any food establishment.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

What do you think? Should I go with some new TEEF?

I was thinking about getting me some teef. Seems to be a new trend in fashion. Don't you think they would look really good with my giant "pork chop" sideburns?. It might kind of off set my big ears and fat nose. What do you people think? I could use a new grill, right? Check out their website XXXTEETH.

Let me know if you want to sponsor my new grill. I'm looking forward to your contributions.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Interesting bible verse.

Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks."

Rejoice in the Lord.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Something is wrong with my ears.

I don't really know what. They keep getting bigger and bigger. They hurt badly. They sometimes have their own heartbeat. Every time I move my right ear I can hear it pop. Not the inside, but the outside. I have been trying to figure out what is causing this. I think it may be due to my constant grappling, maybe. Not certain though. I have lost a lot of my hearing due to this unexplained phenomenon. Maybe someday I can have plastic surgery. Then I will be able to fulfill my dream of becoming a runway model. Lookout Paris fashion shows...Here comes Ronald McDojo!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Dammit, I'm sore!!!

I'm so sore! I worked out yesterday with this crazy old workout guy. He is strong, not retard strength, but old man strong. So I did his shoulder routine. Dammit, i'm hurtin' today. It's weird how sore you can get. When you first start lifting you remember all those muscles that you forgot about.

Don't watch Alien Vs Predator. Talk about a shitty movie. I just wanted to see cool ass fight scenes. Wrong. That didn't happen, it was pretty lame. Once again it had a girl for a bad ass. That works in some movies, however, it did not in this one. Just letting you know so that you may not waste your hard earned money on such garbage.