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Ronald McDojo will enlighten you with nonsense.: 2004 hands of poker.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

2004 hands of poker.

So I was trying to qualify for a tourny last week. To qualify you had to play 2004 hands of poker in the month of Feb. Well as the month is half over, I had to play a lot of hands in a short amount of time. I used all the money that I have won from a free games to play the live money games.

Have you ever tried to play 2004 hands of poker with only $200. Well here is my story...The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.

I finally qualified after sitting at my computer for 4 days. At least 10 hours a day. In the end, I lost $170. Don't get me wrong, I was up and down a lot. I won some good sized pots, however, I lost even bigger ones. All the money was free from winning previous tournies, so it's not like I spent my hard earned dough.

So not this Friday, but next, I play for $10,000. Boy I would love to win that!! I know most of my readers are crazy rich, so ten grand wouldn't mean a lot to them. It would make my life easier for a year at least. Not to mention I could buy a motorcycle. So anyway, after the game, I'll post on here how I did. I'm sure it will be some sob ass story about how I was winning and some asshole called me with junk cards and gets lucky. It always is.

Wish me luck!


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