Date by Date-Time.Com

Ronald McDojo will enlighten you with nonsense.: 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005

Thursday, November 24, 2005

They don't want me.

I have been banned. That's right, banned. I can't go to my favorite website forum. Those sun's a bitches. I'll nuke em' all. Fuck you Fuck you in your stupid asses.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Does anyone read this blog?

I don't think anyone does. Maybe my buddy Dillon. That's all.

I'll post more sometime soon. I just am not up to it with my busy schedule right now!

Peace and hair grease.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Cool South Park engine.

If I work all week, there'll be food on the table tonight.

I don't wanna' work, I just wanna' bang on the drums all day.

You can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behind.
Cause' your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance well they're no friends of mine.

I just died in your arms tonight. Must've been somethin' you said.

Ever get a song stuck in your head. I sure do. Above is but a small sample.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wishing death...

I hate my dog.

The family dog is nothing but a total nuisance. I hate it. That's all I can say. Pure, deep, unfaltering hatred. I wish death upon it on a daily basis. The wife and kids are the only thing that gives it a stay of execution.

I don't like when people are cruel to animals. In fact, I'm totally against it. With this dog...I could take it out and shoot it in the head with no remorse. It's the first time in my life I have ever hated a animal this much. That includes the dog that bit me.

Please, god give me strength to not kill this damn creature. I don't want this dog to be my first canine homicide.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Molested by strippers.

Ok, I get it. I'm a bouncer and you're a stripper. The obvious connection is there.

Well, here is the problem. I'm married with children. I love my wife and don't want to betray her. Granted, I'm a man. Being a man, I'm sure that I could stick my penis in some orifice and be ok with it. It is the nature of men. Sex has little value to a man. I have sex with my hand and I don't love it (I kinda do).

The wife would not allow such activities, and I don't blame her one bit. Cheating is not cool.

So, stop grabbing my ass and trying to get me to hang out with you. It is flattering to a point and I can't lie, I do like the fact that I COULD get laid if I was single.

The point is, I have a perfectly great wife and family and I'll do nothing to fuck that up. Your skanky ass pussy isn't worth it. Sorry.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I'm hooked on EBONICS !!

This is a quote taken from Fifty Cent. If you don't know who he is, then I guess you may not get it. He is a african american rapper/music person.

"Da next fite we gon show you rite heyuh is oh-most as brutal as the time i got shot in the mouf at mah gram-mama's house in souf ozone park."-50 Cent

Rock on Fiddy.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Why is so hard to keep your shirt tucked in?

I don't get it. I work in a nightclub with a fairly strict dress code. Part of the DC (dress code) is that you can't have your shirt untucked. That mainly goes for shirts that are longer than your arms. If your shirt hangs down past your fingers when your arms are beside your body, it's too long.

For some reason the youth of today just doesn't understand what following rules is about. I guess the fashion is to have the most baggy pants and shirt possible. By doing that you look more like a thug, hence, you're way more of a bad ass.

I would think it's just the opposite. Imagine one of these guys getting in a fight. The shirt so damn big it looks like a sail from a boat, pants hanging so low that your walking like a penguin. I would think that's an instant ass kicking. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

I told you that story so that I could tell you this one.

Black person walks in the bar. Tank top shirt on, broad shoulders and fairly muscled up arms. I'm wondering how this person got past the guys at the front door. Surely they would have seen this person with a sleeveless shirt.

I approach the person and say, "How the hell did you get in here with that shirt on?"
The person turns around to me and says, "I'm a woman".

Oops, my bad. Women don't have a dress code, only men. I then tell her that she came in with her guns blazin' and I thought it was some guy. She laughed about it and told me that she was a female body builder. I guess she gets that all the time. I would think it's a compliment to be mistaken for a guy when you build muscle. I then went around to all the other bouncers and told them not to hassle her as I knew they would think it was a guy also.

Typical night in the land of drunkards and sluts.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Too much candy. Take it away. I will eventually explode from chocolate overdose.

Make the hurting stop. I'm out of control. Damn you Halloween, damn you's all to hell!!!