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Ronald McDojo will enlighten you with nonsense.: I shut this guy up real quick!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I shut this guy up real quick!

I play poker. So when your playing poker, sometimes, you talk. I made them turn it on The Ultimate Fighter last night. It's a reality show where pro fighters are trying to win a spot in the UFC. Well this little jackass sitting next to me wrestled four years in high school. Big deal. Wrestling is great, don't get me wrong. You just have to have more than that to fight.
So he said, "Man, I could beat these guys." He sees someone on T.V. fighting and thinks that he could kick their ass. Right....What a bunch of bullshit. Don't sit there and "armchair quarterback" when it comes to fighting. If you think you have what it takes, then go and do it. If not, shut the fuck up.
So, I called the idiot out. I'm like, dude you need to come up to my gym. You have a open invitation and I'll make sure you don't have to pay a dime to come up and train with us. I tried to talk him into coming to the gym. I would have gladly taken him outside and beat the snot out of him. That would have made me happy. Typical guy. Run your mouth until time comes when you have to back it up. Then, you run like a coward.

Don't talk about, BE about it.-Busta Rhymes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! Typical, especially from a wrestler who thinks just cause you can take somebody down that means you can kick their ass. Too bad, I would rather have read a story about you whooping his ass rather than punking him out. Oh, well maybe next time.

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, but at least we took his money at the table.

Poker buddy

4:00 PM  
Blogger Ronald McDojo said...

I know but that fucker hit for 6 hundo last night. I sat in his seat and took 100 for the night. Been averaging $100 profit everytime I go.

10:42 AM  

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