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Ronald McDojo will enlighten you with nonsense.: Optimus Prime almost kicked my ass.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Optimus Prime almost kicked my ass.

If you don't know, Optimus Prime is a toy. He is a Transformer. The leader of the Autobots, of course. The boy wants this badly. It cost $45. A dam toy. Well, we bought the girl a new bike, so we have to get him something big also. He gets, Optimus. The only problem is. He expects me to be able to transform this dam thing. Right...... It's like a real puzzle. It took me at least 20 mins to make him into a semi truck. I didn't even try to put him back in robot form. I'll save that for christmas. Why do these toys have to be so complicated. The G.I. joe and Star Wars people I had didn't even bend at the arm. I had a Tonka truck and matchbox cars. My kids have mini robots and gadgets I can't even deal with. Dammit, I hate getting old. You know your old when music of today sucks and the toys are too complex for you to figure out. I feel like my mom trying to play mario bros.


Blogger Buzzy Coltrane said...

It's weird when they bring back old toys and TV shows. I never got into the Transformers when I was a kid, I would spend my allowance on G.I. JOE guys. I could never figure out how to transform those Transformer things, either.

7:37 PM  

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