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Ronald McDojo will enlighten you with nonsense.: I have nothing to post.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I have nothing to post.

I'm fucking bored and have nothing to say. I'm typing about nothing. You know what is even worse than that though? You're gonna' sit right there and read all this shit. In the end, you're going to curse me for wasting your time. That is the only reason I'm typing right now. I feel like you need a break, so, by all means. Waste a little time right here. We can talk about the weather or your latest escapade. Just let me know what you like to chat about. Me, I have nothing. I told you that in the beginning so don't blame me for fucking around this entire time.

Sometimes, I look at this blog and wonder why the hell I'm even here. Not in the cosmic sense of why are we here, more of the feeling of why do I keep wasting my time (and yours) with a bunch of endless bullshit. The answer, I get bored and so do you. So together we shall sit here day after day and read my type. Just you and I. In the end, we will be no better nor worse. Even Steven. Yin Yang. And so the cycle continues....


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