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Ronald McDojo will enlighten you with nonsense.: My wife's aunt.

Friday, April 08, 2005

My wife's aunt.

My wife has another member of her family in critical condition. At age 42. It's so very sad. My wife's mom passed away at 42 also. They both smoke cigs like it's going out of style. Two packs a day. It just goes to show that all those silly commercials are correct. Smoking just means death. It eats you from the inside out. My mom has had double by pass from smoking her entire life. I just hate to see these people leave the earth because they are addicted.

It makes me worried for my own health. I smoke, daily. Not cigs, but still, anyone that kids themselves into thinking that pot smoke isn't harmful is a fool. I know it's harmful, I just have no alternative. I wish I could just take a pill and get the same effect I do from marijuana. I don't want to be another statistic. I'm 31. If I keep smoking will I end up with major brain clots? I sure hope not. I'm going to find a way to quit. MJ. is the only drug that I have ever taken that has "evened" me out. I used to be on various psycho drugs, but, they didn't work. I must find a alternative, or face the consequences.

No fate but what you make.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is never a good ideal to inhale any type of smoke. But as far as dying due to cancer caused from marijuana it has never been documented in history. People have died from lung cancer that have smoked but it was because they were smoking Tobacco also. In fact there has never been a death directly resulting from inhaling marijuana in documented history. Keep Tokin Brotha!

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel your pain and am in the same boat Mcdojo. I have to disagree that no one has ever died of MJ smoke. Just because they didn't get lung cancer doesn't mean that MJ didn't play a major role in their death. It has to take a toll on your cardiovascular system. Especially in large doses. To save my health I'm going to become a raging alcoholic.
Mad Pooper

9:23 AM  

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