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Ronald McDojo will enlighten you with nonsense.: Diets suck. I love food....and miss it!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Diets suck. I love food....and miss it!

I have started dieting again. Man, I miss food. It's so good. Yeah , I hear ya. You can still eat good and diet. Yes, if you have never ending time and money. It costs so much to diet and have variety. It is also very hard when your the only person in your house on a diet. The wife and kids eat anything they want. There is sweets and temptations all over this house. I feel like I'm on the T.V. show , The Biggest Loser. I was at 225 lbs. Last week and have lost 5 lbs. already though. I have to get down to 195 lbs. or so. I wasn't meant to be this large.

I don't really want to be one of those dumb asses that waits until they are as big as a house to start dieting. I don't get those people, like you wake up and your 330 lbs. So, I'm heading off fatness at 225 lbs. before I get too large and in charge!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must agree... diets do suck... :(

Amber at Mosaic Expressions

7:48 PM  

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