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Ronald McDojo will enlighten you with nonsense.: Congrats LBD. That was impressive.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Congrats LBD. That was impressive.

So I'm driving back from a hard days manual labor....Yes, I did work hard. I washed a friends dump truck by hand. Anyway, back to my story.

I'm on my way home and there is this little black dude on a bike. Henceforth this guy will be called LBD(little black dude). So, LBD is cruising on his bike with two fishing poles and a back pack. I assumed his bike had no brakes because he was dragging his feet like Fred Flintstone. We are approaching a big downward hill and I'm wondering how this little guy is gonna' negotiate this giant hill with two poles in one hand, the bike in the other, all while wearing a back pack, on a bike with no brakes, and dragging his feet.

Somehow, he did it. He was probably going around 30 miles per hour by the time he got to the bottom of the hill, but, he made it. I could envision the smoke coming off his shoes and him dancing around franticly looking for water. LBD coasted down the hill like it was nothing, however, I did glance over about midway down the hill and you could see the pure terror of not knowing whether or not your going to wreck or make it. The look on his face was great. When he reached the bottom of the hill his entire posture changed and now he was the coolest cat to grace the bicycle.

I guess it just reminded me of being a kid and the fearless things I used to do.


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